PS21Q Parent Teacher Association

PTA President's Message

Greetings to all returning families and a big WELCOME to all new families. We are very excited to be serving as your PTA for the 2022-2023 school year. We have many wonderful events planned for throughout the year.  

As with every year, the PTA needs YOUR help. The PTA raises funds to provide a wide range of educational enrichment programs, family events and school supplies for our students. Money raised through PTA membership, and fundraisers help to fund class trips, enrichment programs, books, classroom supplies to all grades, and much, much more. 

As the new school year begins, we once again ask for your support so that we can continue making resources and learning opportunities available to our children.  We appreciate a donation of $25.00 per family, which helps us get our school year off to a great start.   

All parents/guardians of children who attend PS21Q are automatically members of the PTA. For the PTA to be effective and truly representative of the school, everyone’s participation is essential. Whether you have 30 minutes or a couple of hours to volunteer your time and share your ideas and/or talents, we greatly appreciate it. Please email us at if you wish to volunteer this year and/or share your ideas with us, we would love to hear from you. You are part of the PS21Q community, and our students need you. 

Research shows that volunteering and participating in your child’s school and showing engagement helps them perform better academically. You will get to know the wonderful teachers & staff better and make lifelong friends with other parents at the school. We promise you that the time you give to the PTA and the school will be a rewarding experience! Please consider volunteering, it really does make a difference in the lives of all our children! 

The PTA welcomes you to join our meetings to raise your concerns and contribute your ideas and talents to better our school. Meetings are usually held once a month at 6:30pm.  For the exact dates, please refer to the monthly school calendar. 

On behalf of the PTA and myself, we would like to thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Have a wonderful school year and we look forward to seeing you at our PTA meetings. 

Jennifer Berardi 
PTA President, 2022-23

Executive Board

Executive Board ​2024-2025

Jennifer Berardi

Nicole Galia

Jeymis Arias

Erica Cuerbo

Emily Sheahan & Karen Escobar

Sandra Ortega & Grace Torres

Sherry Chen

School Leadership Team Parent Representatives

  • Jennifer Berardi
  • Subasri Ezhilarasan
  • Nicole Galia
  • Maria V. Hernandez
  • Annie Lai

PS21Q PTA Mission

PS21 Edward Hart Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is made up of parent volunteers collaborating with school staff and administration to support our mission to provide programs and services that will enhance the learning environment, to help ensure our school and classrooms are equipped for both teaching and learning, and to work closely with our school principal to best determine how and where PTA can help.  No matter what program, service, or event our PTA is sponsoring, the goal is to benefit our children; we are Lion Harted!
All parents of PS21Q Edward Hart students are automatically members of our PTA and can vote at PTA
​General Membership meetings. 

Some of the ways we raise funds for the school include:

  • General donation contributions - we hope that every family can donate $25.00 per family. Cash, checks or money order made payable to PS21Q PTA
  • Coordinating several fundraising events and activities throughout the year:
    FREE family movie night once a month (proceeds from snacks), our Annual Halloween Party, Holiday Boutique, Sweethart Dance, School Store, Mother’s Day plant sale, end of school year Carnival etc.

Misión de la PTA de PS21Q

La Asociación de Padres y Maestros (PTA) de PS21 Edward Hart está formada por padres voluntarios que colaboran con el personal y la administración de la escuela para apoyar nuestra misión de proporcionar programas y servicios que mejorarán el entorno de aprendizaje, para ayudar a garantizar que nuestra escuela y las aulas estén equipadas para la enseñanza y aprender y trabajar de cerca con el director de nuestra escuela para determinar mejor cómo y dónde puede ayudar la PTA. No importa qué programa, servicio o evento patrocina nuestra PTA, la meta es beneficiar a nuestros niños; ¡somos Lion Harted!
Todos los padres de los estudiantes de PS21Q Edward Hart son automáticamente miembros de nuestra PTA y pueden votar en la PTA Reuniones generales de miembros.
Algunas de las formas en que recaudamos fondos para la escuela incluyen:

  • Contribuciones generales de donación: esperamos que cada familia pueda donar $25.00 por familia. Efectivo, cheques o giros postales pagaderos a PS21Q PTA
  • Coordinar varios eventos y actividades de recaudación de fondos durante el año:
    Noche de cine familiar GRATIS una vez al mes (ingresos de bocadillos), fiesta anual
    de Halloween, boutique navideña, baile SweetHart, tienda escolar, venta de plantas para el Día de la Madre, carnaval de fin de año escolar, etc.