School Leadership Team (SLT)
PS 21 School Leadership Team (SLT)
What is a School Leadership Team (“SLT”)?
- There must be an SLT in every New York City Public School.
- The P.S. 21 SLT is comprised of the principal, the UFT Chapter Leader, the PTA President, teachers, staff, elected parents, and the Title I Parent Advisory Council (“PAC”) Chairperson.
- The P.S. 21 SLT develops the annual Comprehensive Educational Plan (“CEP”), which is a living document that details P.S. 21’s educational policies, including goals and action plans for the school year.
- The P.S. 21 SLT ensures that the school’s budget is aligned to implement those CEP goals.
- The P.S. 21 SLT assists in the evaluation and assessment of the school’s educational programs and their effect on student achievement.
- Parent representation on SLT is vital to ensure that parents are included in the development of P.S. 21’s CEP.
- The P.S. 21 SLT functions in a collaborative manner by employing a consensus-based decision making process.
Silent Observers
The P.S. 21 SLT invites everyone in the P.S. 21 community to the SLT meeting currently held on the virtual platform. Those not elected to be on SLT are silent observers. Silent observers have the right to attend meetings. However, silent observers do not have the right to participate, to comment, and to vote.